Kamis, 04 April 2013

Oil Palm Nursery Fertiliser Schedule

Schedule fertilizing palm seedlings
1. Two-stage nurseries
  • Follow the fertilization schedule listed in Table 1 
  • Prepare the provision of fertilizer solution at the first stage, dissolve 8, 16 and 24g NPK 15/15/6/4 into 5    liters of water for 100 seedlings. 
  • Application should be made using hype. 
  • Seedlings should be watered 1 hour after application of fertilizer so that the leaves do not 'burn out'. 
  • Seeds moved to large polybags at 13 weeks. 
  • If the transfer is delayed, continue weekly fertilization using a dose of 12 weeks. 
2. Nurseries one stage
  • Follow the fertilization schedule listed in Table 2. 
  • Prepare the provision of fertilizer solution in the first month, dissolve 8g NPK 15/15/6/4 into 5 liters of water for 100 seedlings. 
  • Application should be made using hype. 
  • Watering should be done immediately after the application of fertilizer so that the leaves do not burn. 
  • If the seed is not planted to the field after the age of one year (eg to insert / APM), continue fertilizing with NPK 12/12/17/2 35g doses per month and 20 grams Kieserite every two months. 
3. Nurseries one stage if POME available
  • No application of fertilizer during the first 4 months. 
  • After that, follow the fertilizing schedule is shown in Table 3. 
  • If the 1-year-old seedlings have not been transferred to the field, continue fertilizing with NPK 12/12/17/2 40g dose every two months. 
4. Overcoming Symptoms of Deficiency Sometimes a nutrient deficiency can occur due to less fertile land or loss of nutrients due to heavy rainfall.
  • Symptoms of deficiency are very common are: N - all pale colored leaves Mg - lower leaves yellow B - young leaves crimp / shrink 
  • If the visible symptoms of deficiency, do the following: 
  1. N In the early stages (eg 1-3 leaves) spray with a solution of (7g urea + 5 liters of water) for 100 seedlings. For older seeds that seed, spray with a solution (14g urea + 5 liters of water) for 100 seedlings. 
  2. Mg For young seedlings seeds (less than 3 months) spray with a solution (20g salt English + 5 liters of water) for 100 seedlings. For older seeds that seed, tambahankan Kieserite a dose of 10 grams (age 3-6 months) or 20 grams (6-12 months) per subject. 
  3. B Spray with a solution (10g HGFB + 5 liters of water) for 100 seedlings. 
  4. Fe Spray with a solution (10g EDTA or if not available, use iron sulphate + 5 liters of water) for 100 seedlings.

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013


Management of Oil Palm Nurseries 
1. Preparation nurseries. 
     Land with herbicides glyphosate spray dose of 1.5 to 2 liters / ha or mixed with 2,4 - diamine 0.5 l / ha     before shipping ground to nurseries. 
2. Soil:     
     Take the area of ​​non-oil palm, Top soil taken from the surface of structured soils 0-20 cm deep well that is free of pests and diseases (eg not from the area Ganoderma). Fertile land should be marked by the growth of ground cover that good. Soil should have good drainage reply (eg land free of standing water after watering). If only available clay, mixed with 20% coarse sand. 
3. Seeding one stage.
      Combine 1 ton of soil sieve with 3 kg of rock phosphate (or 50 kg dry POME) for charging 50 polybags large (60g equivalent RP or 1 kg per polybag large POME) Fill ± 20 kg polybags with soil completely. Stacking sequences consisting of 4 polybags per row with a distance of 10m between rows. Flush for 1 week and if necessary ground plus up ranged from 2 cm below the surface of the polybag
4. Breeding two stages 
     Fill small polybags with soil sieve. Add 20g of rock phsphate and mix evenly.Polybag meeting arranged in 10 rows long swath of 10m x 0.8m polybags 1200. The distance between the seed plot was 0.8m.It is advisable to use a wooden board 20-cm width around the seedlings to reduce the selection of breeds which lies alongside. 
5. Taking seed: 
     The seeds should be taken directly from the Center for Seeds by estate staff and the quality of the seed before packing. Nursery Assistants must ensure that the straps are still intact on the box when it arrived at the nurseries.
 6. Planting the seed:
      Plumula (end more smooth / slippery) must be above ground and covered with 1 cm. View. Do not remove the seeds from the box before it is ready for planting and put in place the box room of a shady or air-conditioned. Planting by the number "bref" (Reference Number Pollination) (1 cm above beans) 
7. Calculation of seed: 
     Before and after planting, these things must be noted below:
  • • The number of seeds received
  • • The number of damaged seeds
  • • The number of seeds infected with fungus
If the seeds are damaged / moldy more than 0.5%, report to the Central Seed seed seed as soon as possible and should be kept for inspection.Seeds infected with fungus, given pelakuan with Dithane 0.2% for 2 minutes apart and planted in place. These seeds are recorded when planted.After 2 weeks - 1 month planting, seed count is not growing. Report to the Central Seed when that failed to grow more than 2% and save it for review.Note also the seeds are exposed to:
  • • culling I at the age of 3 months,
  • • culling II at the age of 6 months
  • • culling III at the age of 9 months after planting.
8. Shade: 
     Generally not necessary. However, when very high temperatures and low humidity, place the "thatch / straw dry" surface poly bag and discarded after 2 weeks.
9. Mulch:
      If available, add a piece of palm shells or hay / dried weeds in the plastic bag to reduce evaporation, deter weed growth and prevent soil erosion when watering. 
10. Watering:
      In the morning and evening, pour about 1 liter of water for large polybag (or 150ml for small polybags), if the previous day's rainfall of less than 8 mm.
11. Manuring Schedule :
      Follow SOP palm fertilizer. 
12. Weeding:
      After planting, weeding outside and inside a polybag done manually. 
13. Growth Double / Triple:
      Leave the other strongest destroyed. 
14. Selection / Culling:
  • • Conducted by the Central Seed. Type of palm oil that will be attached culling.
  • • After the first culing (3 months) at one stage nurseries, thinning to 90cm x 90cm polybag triangle (78cm between rows).
  • • For the 2-stage nurseries, seedlings from small polybags transferred to polybags large 90cm x 90cm prepared triangular.
15. Collante: 
     If the percentage of seedlings with symptoms of high collante this is usually caused by a lack of watering. Because symptoms collante abnormal symptoms that are not genetic, it must be maintained collante seeds and watering plus.
 16. Pests and Diseases:
      If there is a pest or disease attack, immediately contact a Seed. Recommendations and chemical control will be attached..

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013


Previously we apologize to the readers of my bloggers, because it has been almost 2 years I have made ​​about the SOP palm oil, but the readers do not be disappointed if you are interested to know more about the palm oil we are willing to help and to for further you may contact me via phone 0813 7377 6980 or email me: azzabsn@gmail.com
Formerly we thank you.

                                         Taking soil samples and leaf sample

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011


Notices Archive May 10, 2011

  • We're ready to become a consultant when the "Planter" encountered constraints problem "Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) plant oil palm as written on the archives that I publish on 10 May 2011, to contact me: 
  • Via email: azzabsn@gmail.com 
  • Via Telephon: 0819 5850 0558.
    Thank you good luck.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


Oil Palm Procedure -Index :
1.Nursery Preparition and Upkeep.
  • Oil palm Nursery Management
  • Adoratus Compressus
  • Apogonia Expeditionis
  • Hymomeces Squamosus
  • Spodoptera Litura
  • Tetranycus piercei
  • Aphids and Mealy bugs
  • Valanga Nigricornis
  • Oil Palm Nursery Fertiliser Schedule
2.Preparation And Planting.
  • The HGU- Preparation Survey and Mapping
  • Land Acquisition and Conpensation
  • Development Management
  • Development Timetable
  • Development Planning: Mapping and Block Listing
  • Depelopment Planning: Field Design and Layout
  • Depelopment Planning: Block Design and Layout
  • Legumme Establihment in Oil Palm
  • Palnting Densities and Lining
  • Planting Procedure
3.Immature Upkeep
  • Weeding Management For Immature Oil Palm
  • Pest and diseases
  • Fertiliser Schedule for Development Oil Palm
  • Supplyng Palms
  • Ablation and Sanitation 
  • Preparation for Harvesting
  • Crop Potential
  • Crop Forecasting - Black bunch count
  • The Harvesting Task
  • Harvesting Standard
  • Harvesting Discipline
  • Fruit Handling and Transport to Mill
  • Crop Measurement and Recording
Mature Upkeep
  • Weed Control in Oil Palm
  • Spraying Conventions and Calibration of Equipment
  • Mature Weeding Management
  • Herbicides For Weed Control Of Noxious Weeds
  • Beneficial, Antagonostic and neutral Weed
  • Opverview of Pests and Diseases Management
  • Guide to the safe use of Agro Chemicals
  • Pesticides used to Control Pests in Oil Palm
  • Oil Palm Leaf Eater Control
  • Mahasena Corbetti (Bagworm)
  • Metisa Plana (Bagworm)
  • Crematopstche Pendula (Bagworm)
  • Setothosea Asigna (Nettle Caterpillar)
  • Setora Nitens (Nettle Caterpillar)
  • Darna Trima (Nettle Caterpillar)
  • Ploneta Dducta  (Nettle Caterpillar)
  • Birthosa Bisura (Nettle Caterpillar)
  • Oryctes Control
  • Tirathaba Control in Oil Palm
  • Rat Control in Oil Palm
  • Fungicides Used to Control Disease in Oil Palm
  • Ganoderma Control in Oil Palm
  • Marasmius Palmivorus Bunch Rot in Oil Palm
4.Pruning and Frond Placement Policy
  • Pruning
  • Placement of Fronds on Flat Land
  • Placement of Fronds on Slopes and Terraces
5.Fertiliser Management
  • Fertiliser Mature Oil Plam
  • Visual Nutrient deficiency Symptoms
  • Timing and Placement of Fertilisers
  • Fertiliser Properties and Convertion Factors
  • Manuring Management
6.Utilisation of bi-product
  • Empty Bunch Application
  • Design and Control of Field Effluent Drains
  • Bunch Ash
  • Kernel Shell
7.Census and Survey Operations
  • Infiling and Supply
  • Field Marking Oil Palm
  • Planning For Future Replanting
8.Fieid Infrasructure
  • Roads
  • Bridges
  • Footpaths and Footbridges
  • Drains
  • Soil Water Conservation - Terraces and Bunds
  • Vihicles and Machinery
  • Buildings
Thx for all.....good luck....

Contact Person : Hp 0819 5850 0558 email azzabsn@gmail.com.

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Training Objectives

1. The main objective of training field executives is to let assistants understand that they are part of the of management team  and that it is their duty to perform in such a manner that management objectives are achieved.
2. A full under standing of the previous introductory SOP "Introduction to the Oil Palm Series" is essential before starting any training program.
3. All executives must have a systematic approach to planning,programming and checking of activities. The process involves :
  • Identifying activities that need to be done
  • Planning and programming the tasks that will ensure exellent outcomes.
  • Checking and monitoring the tasks ensuring that they are done efficiently and well.
4. The SOPs must be used as a tool toward perfecting your programs and ensuring that work is done efficiently.When planning your field work it is essential to consult the SOPs and follow procedure:
  • Identifying activities that need to be done.
  • Read the relevant SOPs.
  • Take notes on the various steps required to cover a given task or objective.
  • Use your notes as aguide to setting up your own programs.
  • Train the workers by starting small work group and expanding it as people become experienced.
  • Ensuring that mandors have a full understanding of the requirement of the task.
  • Constantly check the work and the program for work quality and speed.
  • Identify any problems with the program.
  • Fix the problem.
  • Let the GM know what you are doing.
  • Advise the GM as to where your work varies from the SOP.
  • The GM will then advise the SOP commitee as to where adjustments can be made in SOP.
5. To assist in staff training we present over the nex few pages a table showing the major issues in Oil Pal Management, Withnchecklist and SOP references which will help in dealing with those issues.
6. The SOPs as they stand will allow new trainees to gain an understanding of :
  • The complexities of management.
  • The need for a sytematic approach to timing, planning and control.
  • How each activity is interrelated to other activities. 

To be continiued.........

for calling me : Hp 0819 5850 0558 email azzabsn@gmail.com.